Booking Form
Via Alpina Self-guided

Booking Form
Via Alpina Self-guided

Summer 2025: Booking is open!
Summer 2026: Booking is open!

To book your trip, please use the Booking Form below. Thank you. Please also have a look at Alpine Exploratory's Terms and Conditions.

Please contact us with any questions or just ask these in the form below.

You can read more about Via Alpina options on our holiday page and please contact us at any time to talk about your trip.

Key Information

Our season on the Via Alpina is from 14 July to 18 September. For our main trip of 19 stages, 2 rest days and 22 nights accommodation, the price is GBP 3,740.

Our season on the Via Alpina is from 22 July to 17 September. For our main trip of 19 stages, 2 rest days and 22 nights accommodation, the price is GBP 3,810.

Booking Form
Via Alpina Self-guided

Your dates

Arrival day

First walking day

Departure day

Your party

Please add any more people in the Comments box below.
If you are adding to an existing booking, please give the main contact's details and just the new people. Thanks.

Number of people in your group (please note we only take bookings for groups of 2 or more)

Main contact

Party member 2

Party member 3

Party member 4

Party member 5

Party member 6

Party member 7

Party member 8

Holiday Details

Differences, if any, from our standard trip? (Our standard Via Alpina trip has 19 walking stages, 2 rest days and 22 nights accommodation)

Please let us know your preferred room types in the hotels

Please let us know your preferred accommodation mix

Any other accommodation requests?

Would you like to add on baggage transfers?

If yes, how many bags?

Contact details

Full Mailing Address (including number, street, town, post/zip code) - For the delivery of your Information Pack

Email address

Telephone (Mobile)

Party's details

Medical conditions relevant to a walking holiday?
(Please tell us in confidence. Thank you.)

Vegetarians, special diets or allergies?

Please may we ask for details of everyone's experience?
Especially helpful are names of trails, national parks, peaks or regular hikes. Thank you.

Main contact

Party member 2

Party member 3

Party member 4

Party member 5

Party member 6

Party member 7

Party member 8

Please add any more people in the Comments box below. Thanks.

Comments or questions?

We book all our accommodation on demand and try to be as flexible as possible with our schedules. If you have any specific requests or comments, please give us as much information as you want and we can tailor the trip to suit you:

Please let us know if you've already been talking to a member of the team:

Please let us know if you've hiked with us before? Thanks!

Optionally, to help us

Optionally, where did you first hear about us? We're always curious!

If a friend recommended us may we ask who it was? We might send a thank you!

Check and submit

We will reply to your booking form with a confirmation email giving the details of your balance and deposit amounts.
We'll send you instructions to pay your deposit by card or bank transfer.
Your deposit will be 20% of the cost of your trip with a minimum of GBP 200 per person.
We'll ask for your balance payment around 2 months before your trip and we'll email you with a reminder.

Terms and Conditions
By submitting this form you, as lead booker, confirm that:
All party members have read and understood the Terms and Conditions (PDF) of booking
All party members understand the challenge involved with the hike (Please see our walking guides)
All party members will have the appropriate experience, skills, equipment and fitness for this trip
At least one member of the party is skilled at navigation, including with a map and compass

Please ask us if you have any questions. Thank you.

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Hikker infront of the Wetterhorn on the Via Alpina
  Wetterhorn views on the way to Grindelwald    Photos from the Swiss Via Alpina

Alpine Exploratory
Alpine Exploratory is a system of knowledge on the best mountain trekking in our areas, giving clients superb holidays based on this exploration.

About us