Exploratory News
Sunset from Rifugio Alpe Tires

Exploratory News
Our email newsletter

We offer our newsletter, Exploratory News. We send 5 emails per year, in a largely text format. We hope that we are at the other end of the scale from bombarding your inbox!

5 emails not 4
Starting with our July 2021 email, we will send 5 emails a year, being January, March, May, July and October. It used to be quarterly, but a March email better fits our main booking season and a May email coincides with our UK season start.

When to sign up
If you sign up any time before March, before the Summer in which you might be traveling, then you'll receive our March and May emails and will be following our ongoing guidance about routes for that Summer. If you're able to sign up in time for our October email then you'll read our big one about new Summer trips.

Thank you for your interest - we hope you enjoy the emails.

Sign up to our newsletter

We send email newsletters each season with details of new explorations and new routes.

Ways to keep up to date

Keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram, and our Blog for photos and updates from our own travels and clients' trips.

Our first email: Summer plans

Sent: First week of January

This is our Winter email with inspiration for Summer!
1. Our routes, dates and ideas for Summer.
2. News about the Alpine Exploratory office and team.

Covers January and February which are our busiest months for hikers making their first enquiries for Summer.

Our second email: Looking ahead

Sent: First week of March

This is our late-Winter email as Summer takes shape.
1. Ongoing availability on our various routes.
2. Our recce plans: how we'll be approaching each trail.

Covers March and April which are busy months for bookings as well as for gearing up for UK trips.

Our third email: Spring news

Sent: First week of May

This is our email at the start of Spring (UK trips).
1. Getting ready to travel (UK): what to pack, latest advice.
2. How are our UK routes looking?

Covers May and June which are when we produce our Summer info packs and when our first UK walkers start.

Our fourth email: Summer news

Sent: First week of July

This is our email at the start of Summer.
1. Getting ready to travel: what to pack, latest advice.
2. How are our Alpine and Scandinavian routes looking?

Covers July, August and September which are our busiest months for hikers on the trail. Everything is happening!

Our fifth email: New routes!

Sent: First week of October

This is the main email in our calendar!
1. New routes that we are introducing next Summer.
2. Round-up of the Summer just happened.

Covers October, November and December which are our quiet months; if you're able to plan early, please contact us.

Your privacy

We won't send you anything you haven't asked for and we won't give or sell your details to anyone else. Nor does anyone receive Exploratory News without signing up. Please see our privacy policy on the About us page.

To unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of an email. Alternatively, email us at info@alpineexploratory.com and we'll unsubscribe you right away.

Alpine Exploratory
Alpine Exploratory is a system of knowledge on the best mountain trekking in our areas, giving clients superb holidays based on this exploration.

About us